Prank Test Co.


By proceeding you explicitly agree to the following:

I understand and agree that this website, and any information contained within this site, including (but not limited to) the tests made on this site, are purely for entertainment purposes only. They are in no way intended to give any actual indication of medical status. ​

I understand and agree that this website, any information contained within this website, or any Fake COVID Test generated by this website is NOT scientific and not intended to take the place of a medical diagnostic. Nor replace any other tests or treatments that have been or may potentially be recommended by a healthcare provider.

I understand and agree that I will not use this website, any information contained within this website, or any Fake COVID Test generated by this website to commit a crime, hurt, damage, injure, or otherwise maliciously mislead or deceive any other person or organization. 

Again, I agree to not use this website, any information contained within this website, or any fake test generated by this website, to knowingly lie to another person about COVID-19 status, trick employers/law enforcement, or ANY OTHER malicious intent.